What is Northridge Beyond?

Beyond is about rolling up our sleeves and engaging deeply in our community and around our world. We will go beyond the walls of our church with the Gospel to strengthen families, end poverty, and seek justice.


We want to see children protected and families supported so they can flourish in God’s original design.


We want to see effective Gospel-centered community development that leads to an end of physical and spiritual poverty.


We want to fight unjust systems and stand with the vulnerable and marginalized like Jesus always did.

A Church That Cares Beyond Its Walls

We desire to be a church that goes beyond just meeting together once a week. We want to be active in our community and around the world. We often say that we desire to strengthen families, seek justice, and end poverty in the name of the gospel. But what do those things mean, and how do we go about that practically? Find out in this message.

Check out these episodes of the Northridge Podcast A Little Better where we explored the ideas, history, and details of our Beyond initiatives.

Part 1 - Introduction & History

Part 2 - Global Partnerships

Part 3 - Getting Involved

Beyond Stories

Our Partners